
Who are we?

We are a small group of volunteers who know what it is like to try and keep up with fast growing children. We accept good condition, pre-loved, clean, children's clothes from ages 2-12yrs. We then redistribute them to local families that can make use of them. All clothes are free.

Why Use Our Hub?

Children grow so fast they often seem to out grow their clothes having hardly worn them. It can be tricky to keep up, especially if there is more than one fast grower in the family.

It can be hard to know what to do with your out grown clothes, especially the ones you still really like or which hold happy memories.

As we all take more time to care for our planet, finding a new home for pre-loved clothes helps both planet Earth and our Trumpington Community.

Our Aim

At Trumpington Kids Clothes Hub we aim to pass on quality, clean, pre-loved clothes to Trumpington families who can make use of them.

The clothes have been kindly donated by Trumpington families which means we are able to pass them on to others for FREE.

Exciting news for September 2024

We now have a new 'Clothes Hub Corner' in the community area of Trumpington Meadows Primary School. It will be available weekdays between 3:10pm - 6:00pm. It has a selection of Trumpington Meadows and Fawcett Primary School uniform as well as none logo items eg polo shirts, trousers, dresses etc. There are also everyday clothes as well as underwear, shoes and wellies.

As usual everything is free so please take what you need and can use.

Please keep the area tidy and rehang things that fall on the floor.

A huge thank you to The Trumpington Federation for allowing us to use the space and especially to Richard Taylor (Trumpington Meadows Caretaker) for his continued support and amazing help with setting up the corner.


During the colder months we aim to provide a warm coat, hat, gloves and scarf to any Trumpington child (aged 2-12 yrs) that needs one to stay warm.  

We believe no Trumpington child should be cold during winter for lack of access to warm outdoor clothing. 

How to access the clothes

We have three ways you can access our clothes.

You do not need a referral from someone to use the hub. The clothes are available to any local families that can make use of them. This is regardless of financial or social circumstances. 

Available weeks days from 3:10-6pm in the community area of Trumpington Meadows Primary School. There is uniform for Fawcett and Trumpington Meadows schools, generic uniform, everyday clothes, underwear, shoes and welly boots. Please keep the area tidy.


These are a chance for you (or your child) to pick the clothes yourself. We usually have everyday clothes, coats, school uniform, seasonal items eg Christmas jumpers or swimwear.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest information about when and where the stalls are. 

There are free uniform, clothes rails available during term time, at all three of the Trumpington Primary schools. 

Trumpington Park Primary - the rail is available, under the covered entrance area, most days (weather dependent!)

Trumpington Meadows - the rail is in the main reception foyer, available during school time. There are also shoes and some everyday clothes.

Fawcett Primary - there is a rail in the main playground on a Friday afternoon, at pick up time (weather dependent!) This has ages 5-12 uniform on.

There is an early years rail - age 3-5 yrs,  in the main foyer by the school office. This is available during school hours.

All uniform items on the rail are free. 

Please do not leave donations at the rails as the schools have no ability to store them. If you wish to donate uniform please use one of our two donation points or bring them to a 'pick your own' stall. 

We can then make up a box of items for you which you collect from one of our two collection points - see below.

We are happy to accept requests from people helping Trumpington families e.g Midwives, Health Visitors, Family workers, Social Workers, Teachers, Good Friends.

Trumpington Meadows Primary School

Trumpington Park Primary School

Fawcett Primary School

How to donate clothes

Do you have clothes or uniform you wish to donate to the hub?

First please make sure your donations are suitable

Where are the donation points?

The Bakehouse

1a Granchester Road, Trumpington, Cambridge CB2 9LH

We have a blue box in the porch of the Bakehouse. It is available all the time so perfect for dropping donations at weekends or evenings after work. 

The box is also one of our collection points if you have ordered items via our form.

'Pick Your Own' Stalls 

You can bring donations along to one of our 'pick your own' stalls. 

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest event news.


Clay Farm Box

                   Clay Farm Centre                       Hobson Square, Trumpington, Cambridge. CB2 9FN

You will find our box opposite the library desk. Please try to put your items in bags rather than free inside the box. This helps our volunteers when they are emptying it. 

Things we can't use so please find them a different home

What happens after you send in a form?

We have two options for collecting your order.

1a Granchester Road, Trumpington, Cambridge CB2 9LH

We have a box in the porch of The Bakehouse where you collect your parcel from. We will just need to know what day you would like your parcel to be there. You can then collect any time after 9:30 am on that day. This is an especially good option if you need to collect on an evening or weekend. 

We may need to contact you via email about your  request e.g if some items are not available or if more details are needed.

 Where is The Bakehouse?

The Bakehouse

1a Granchester Road




Our donation and collection box. Available 24/7

The Summer School Uniform Rail at The Clay Farm Centre

For the final 4 weeks of the summer holiday, The Clay Farm Centre in Hobson Square hosted a free school uniform rail for us.

It had uniform for the three local primary schools on it and general non-logo uniform eg trousers, dresses, polo shirts.

By counting empty coat hangers over the 4 weeks, we worked out over 183 pieces of uniform found new homes! An amazing environmental achievement Trumpington. 

183 uniform items is approximately 53kg of material. That's the same as

65 copies of Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix


526 copies of The Queen's Knickers.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the staff at The Clay Farm Centre for making this possible.

Watch this space....!

We are hoping to do further pop up rails at Clay Farm through out the year. Keep an eye on out Facebook page for date of future events. 

Thank you to everyone who supported our 'Pants' 3rd birthday party! April 2024.

We are pleased to report that the ‘Pick your own’ stall/3rd birthday party, on the 20th of April 2024 was an outstanding success! We welcomed around 100 families to choose spring and summer clothes and to party with us.

The theme of the party was ‘Pants’, the aim being to raise funds to buy new underwear and socks for the boxes we make up for local families. There’s nothing quite as nice as putting on new pants and socks!

There was cake, face painting and a tombola stall, with lots of brilliant prizes to be won.  The face painting was amazing, and kids and adults alike queued up to have stencils of pants painted on to their faces. The cakes were very popular, too, especially our birthday cake, which was lovingly created by one of our team, complete with a washing line full of pants!

The cakes, drinks and face painting were free of charge, thanks to our trusty band of volunteers. All the tombola prizes were donated to us, and we are immensely grateful to all the local people and companies who supported us so generously, enabling us to raise funds to cover our day to day running costs and stock up on essential underwear.  There were some fabulous prizes and a lot of happy people. 

We are incredibly grateful for all the support we received from families and local businesses. The kind and generous donations have already helped us to supply new underwear to local families and it will continue to help us in the months to come. Trumpington Kids Clothes Hub could not exist without the amazing support we receive from the Trumpington Community.

Now birthday party is complete without cake!

One of our volunteers having her face painted.

Our tombola, stocked with prizes from local businesses and charity shops.

Our newly stocked pants drawer. Best pants drawer ever!

'It takes a village to raise a child' Old African Proverb  

Raising children is challenging regardless of a family's financial, social and environmental circumstances . In Trumpington we are lucky because The Kids Clothes Hub is supported by so many wonderful people and organisations (our village!) This means in turn we can support local families through the work we do here at the Hub.

The Clothes Hub would not be able to continue without the local support we receive. We are incredibly grateful and thank each and every family, school, group, business and volunteer who help make Trumpington Kids Clothes Hub possible.

Our Village!

Take a look at all our wonderful supporters and what they do to help The Hub

The Bakehouse belonging to St Mary and St Michael Church

Koala Cakes

The Food Hub at Trumpington Pavilion 

Trumpington Park Primary School

The Clay Farm Centre

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events are posted on our Facebook page. 

Keep an eye on our events section for our next 'pick your own' stalls. 

TKCH AGM Annual report July 2024 for website.docx

What did we do in 2023?

If you would like to read more about what we got up to in 2023 have a read our 2023/2024 annual report. It turns out it was a busy year!

Interested in volunteering?

Trumpington Kids Clothes Hub is run entirely by volunteers. If you are interested in helping us then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

We have a whole variety of jobs we would like help with including collecting and sorting donations, labelling clothes, washing, making up parcels, helping at stalls and  transporting items to stalls.

Please email if you would like to join the team


Data Protection

We will only keep enough personal information to make your clothing request or clothes donation possible. We may use your information to email you about upcoming Clothes Hub events or developments to our project. We will never release your information to third parties.

If you do not wish to receive future information about The Hub please email us on the link below and ask to unsubscribe.